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ASAN Foundation

“Help the neediest in our society”

ASAN Foundation was established in July 1, 1977 following the philosophy of late chairman Chung Ju-yung “to help the neediest in our society” as a part of a project to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Hyundai Engineering&Construction Corporation which is the parent company of Hyundai Group by investing his private funds and leading various medical and social work projects. The Foundation has built eight large-scale hospitals nationwide including rural areas like Jeongeup, Boseong, Youngdeok, Hongcheon, and Gangreung. where modern medical resources are scarce to provide quality medical services and benefits.

University of Ulsan College of Medicine

“University of Ulsan College of Medicine focuses on raising students’ problem-solving ability”

Established in 1988 and based on the support of excellent medical professionals and enormous facilities and financial resources as a partner of ASAN Medical Center under the ASAN Foundation built by the late chairman of Hyundai Group, Chung Ju-yung, the University of Ulsan College of Medicine works with a small number of students by introducing an integrated teaching & problem-based learning system, a first in Korea, to grow into a prestigious medical school with graduates who obtained the country’s top scores in the National Examination for Medical Practitioners.

ASAN Institute for Life Sciences

“Challenge for life, initiated by ASAN Institute for Life Sciences.”

As competition among countries with advanced healthcare (i.e. U.S., Europe, Japan, and etc.) grows intense, there has been increasing demands on hospitals to take initia- tives in healthcare business, one of the promising industries for nation's future development.
Accordingly, ASAN Medical Center (AMC) has been preparing to trans-form itself into a 'bio-cluster' conjoin-ing basic, translational, and clinical research system into a comprehensive research platform that targets the global market. With an extensive amount of clinical resources from the past 22 years of patient care, AMC is able to explore the latest topics in biomedical research and translate the research outcomes to clinical care.
ASAN Institute for Life Sciences pur-sues a new growth of hospital busi-nesses in biomedical R&D which requires a cutting-edge infrastructure, professional governance, and collab-orative network with domestic and international

Gangneung ASAN Hospital

38, Bangdong-gil, Sacheon-myeon, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do, 210-711 Rep. of KOREA
Main Phone : 82-33-610-3114